Saturday, January 26, 2008

A New Year... and a New Communications Director!

Many new projects are getting underway for the York Theatre in 2008. After 3 more hugely successful performances of Enter Laughing: The Musical in December, what will happen next with this fabulous gem? What new, fresh musicals will the York nurture and put on the mainstage this year? Who will participate in the all- star benefits, such as NEO? What great ideas will rising talents and established writers bring us for the Developmental Reading series? And what under- appreciated musicals of the past will Jim Morgan and the gang bring to life for us in the Mufti Series?

All this in due time, my friends. In due time. But excitement IS percolating!

Meanwhile, the York can now count as one of their full- time staff members the talented and beloved JOHN KENRICK! John Kenrick has come aboard as the new Communications Director of the York. After being the resident Musical Theatre Historian for years, his multiple talents have landed him this coveted position. Now, not only will you, as patrons, fancy guests, and theatre lovers, get to learn from his fascinating Musical Conversations, you will get to see his creative output concerning all endeavors and shows at the York.

(While I can't wait to see what John accomplishes as Communications Director, I also can't wait to see what he cooks up next for Musical Conversations! And I don't just flatter because he is my esteemed, glorious Musical Theatre professor at NYU! *wink*) If you want to learn more about Mr. Kenrick OR musicals in general, visit his website,

Keep checking the York Theatre website at to find out what is going to be coming up at the only theatre in New York dedicated solely to producing musical theatre.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he's a professor at NYU - w00t!

-Intern Jeff